NEW ARTICLE;Shortening diagnosis time, and localizing the margin of acancerous area with high resolution.

Conventional diagnosis of laryngeal cancer is normally made by a combination of endoscopic examination, a subsequent biopsy, and histopathology, but this requires several days and unnecessary biopsies can increase pathologist workload. Nonlinear imaging implemented through endoscopy can shorten this diagnosis time, and localize the margin of the cancerous area with high resolution. 

A team, including some from Proscope consortium members in Grintech GmbH, are working to develop a rigid endomicroscope for the head and neck region, aiming for in-vivo multimodal imaging with a large field of view (FOV) and tissue ablation. 

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NEW ARTICLE; Field curvature reduction in miniaturized high numerical aperture and large field-of-view objective lenses


NEW ARTICLE; Conventional wisdom on tissue imaging turned on its head