NEWS: PROSCOPE’s work has been highlighted by the European Commission as an important research area for advances in health
Spotting colon cancer early with the “Google Earth of colonoscopies”
Read about it at: Spotting colon cancer early with the “Google Earth of colonoscopies” | News | CORDIS | European Commission (
Polish version: Wczesne wykrywanie raka jelita grubego dzięki odpowiednikowi Google Earth w kolonoskopii | News | CORDIS | European Commission (
German version: Früherkennung von Darmkrebs mit dem „Google Earth der Darmspiegelung“ | News | CORDIS | European Commission (
French version: Détecter le cancer du côlon à un stade précoce grâce au «Google Earth des coloscopies» | News | CORDIS | European Commission (
Spanish version: Detección temprana del cáncer de colon con el «Google Earth de las colonoscopias» | News | CORDIS | European Commission (